Insurance General Knowledge
Protect you and your beloved ones with financial security and peace of mind
Sample Case, San Zhang and Si Li are married couple with 2 children, both San and Si are 38 years old and healthy, what kind of insurance coverage they might need? We encourage them to check out our Quote and Apply, play around on the benefits needed etc and get different premium quotations from multiple carriers, if they prefer, they could purchase the right insurance coverage directly online. (Pls notice, below screenshots are for illustration only, the online Quote and Apply for Annuity will be available in the short future, until then if you have needs for annuity, pls schedule a call with insurance@edenintefin.com .)
Long-term care insurance
(LTC or LTCi)
LTC is an insurance product that helps pay for the costs associated with long-term care. Long-term care insurance covers care generally not covered by health insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. About 70 percent of individuals over 65 will require at least some type of long-term care services during their lifetime. About 40% of those receiving long-term care today are between 18 and 64. Once a change of health occurs, long-term care insurance may not be available. As people age, many times they need help with everyday activities of daily living or require supervision due to severe cognitive impairment. Long-term care insurance can cover home care, assisted living, adult daycare, respite care, hospice care, nursing home, Alzheimer's facilities, and home modification to accommodate disabilities. It will pay for a visiting or live-in caregiver, companion, housekeeper, therapist, or private duty nurse up to seven days a week, 24 hours a day up to the policy benefit maximum. Many experts suggest shopping between the ages of 45 and 55 as part of an overall retirement plan to protect assets from the high costs and burdens of extended health care. If couples purchase LTC, 5-15%. savings could be applied on premium.
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Whole Life Insurance
Whole life insurance is a permanent policy designed to provide lifelong coverage and serve a multitude of financial purposes. It offers an enduring shield of financial protection for loved ones, ensuring that they receive a guaranteed death benefit whenever the policyholder passes away. It plays a pivotal role in estate planning, assisting in covering estate taxes, and preserving the family's wealth for future generations. A remarkable aspect of whole life insurance is its potential for cash value growth, which grows tax deferred. This cash value can be utilized for various financial needs, such as addressing emergencies or supplementing retirement income. Moreover, it brings peace of mind, knowing that financial security extends throughout life, and a tax-efficient means to leave a substantial legacy for loved ones, free from tax burdens.
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